It’s never too early to begin saving for tomorrow.
We want to help you stash for your next big adventure. BSB offers options for savings accounts that will fit the type of savings strategy that you’re going for. We even have a special savings account where you can put away money weekly for Christmas! So whether you’re saving for that once-in-a-lifetime trip or just because, penny by penny we’re here to help.
Minor Savings
Learning to save is one of the best lessons we can give our children. Start them out young by teaching them patience while they experience the thrill of having earned that brand new toy. With a Minor Savings account at Bippus State Bank, anyone under 21 can earn interest on the money that they put away little by little. After all, it's never too early to start saving.
- Unlimited deposits
- Under 21 years of age
- $20 minimum balance requirement
- $20 opening deposit required
- Interest Compounded Quarterly
- Limited to six withdrawals per month
- Free online banking with eStatements
- Free mobile banking featuring mobile deposit
- Free telephone banking
Adult Savings
The financially sound save. Whether it’s an emergency stockpile or a rainy day fund, it’s always a good idea to have some money to tap into when you need it. An Adult Savings account at BSB allows you to build your savings at your own pace, whether you're planning for a few months down the road or even a few decades.
- Unlimited deposits
- Age 21 and over
- $200 minimum balance requirement
- $200 opening deposit required
- Interest compounded quarterly
- Limited to six withdrawals per month
- Free online banking with eStatements
- Free mobile banking with mobile deposit
- Free telephone banking
Christmas Club
When your credit card bill comes in January, won’t you wish that you had saved a little money along the way to put towards the holidays? Our Christmas Club account takes the guesswork out of saving for those big ticket items. Make regular weekly deposits throughout the year, and then in October, we’ll mail you a check for the full balance. You’ll have all that extra cash you saved just in time for shopping those holiday sales!
- Unlimited deposits
- $5 opening deposit required
- Earns interest
- Free online banking with eStatements
- Free mobile banking featuring mobile deposit
- Free telephone banking
- Check for the amount deposited plus the interest earnings mailed each October
Money Market
Looking for a flexible account that allows you to earn interest at a higher rate, but still allows you the luxury of accessing it in a pinch? Look no further than our Money Market account. Based on the tiers below your money will earn extra interest without being locked up in a long-term account.
- Minimum balance fee for balances below $25,000 on any day of the month is $20 for that month
- Interest compounded monthly
- Tiered balance interest earnings:
- Tier 1 - $0.01 to $9,999.99
- Tier 2 - $10,000 to $24,999.99
- Tier 3 - $25,000 to $49,999.99
- Tier 4 - $50,000 to $74,999.99
- Tier 5 - $75,000 to $99,999.99
- Tier 6 - $100,000 to $249,999.99
- Tier 7 - $250,000 and greater
- Limited to six withdrawals per month
- Free custom wallet checks provided
- Free online banking with bill pay and eStatements
- Free mobile banking featuring mobile deposit
- Free telephone banking
Personal Accounts
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Address (physical and mailing if different)
- Social Security Number
Primary Documentation
- Valid Unexpired Government Issued Photo ID (if no Valid
Photo ID available see "Secondary Documentation")
- Driver’s License
- State ID
- Passport
- Military ID You cannot make a copy of a military ID, only
document the ID #, type, issue and expiration dates. - Proof of Address (if not current on ID)
- Rental / Tenant agreement
- Utility Bill
- Bank Statement / Official Bank Document
- CURRENT BMV Vehicle Registration
- Property Tax Bill
- GIS Printout verifying Deeded Owner
Secondary Documentation (No Primary Documentation Available)
- Joint Account with Guardian – two of the following:
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- School ID - TWO of the following:
- Non-photo Government ID
- Insurance Card (w/ name embedded)
Medicare Card
Medicaid Card
Hoosier Rx Card
Any other valid health insurance card
- Indiana BMV Registration (IN ONLY)
- US Divorce Decree certified by court w/ stamp &
- Marriage license certified by court with stamp &
- Major Credit / Debit Card w/ Embossed name
- Letter from Bishop
- Joint Account with Guardian – two of the following:
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- School ID
Non-US Citizen
- Additional types of acceptable ID include:
- Green Card - Permanent Resident Card
- Passport
- Work or Student Visa - If non-resident alien, we need to complete a W-8 and
completed Non-Resident Alien Worksheet