Loan Products
We’re more than just a bank. We live where you live and we work where you work. We’re committed to the growth and economic stability of our hometowns. We want to provide the financing to help drive business growth in our community. We know that our community is made up of hardworking farmers and business owners, which is why we specialize in the areas that our community especially shines. Our experienced lenders will take the time to understand your borrowing objectives and develop a customized financing program especially for your business. Most importantly, we make our financing decisions locally, so you’ll have a timely response. We have the programs, the resources, and the expertise to help you reach your goals – no matter how large or small your business or project.
Agriculture Lending
Thomas Jefferson once said, “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” We couldn’t be more proud of the dedicated men and women in our community who are a part of that wise pursuit. Let us help you grow your business! Bippus State Bank offers a variety of agriculture loans specifically to help farmers succeed, including:
- Operating Lines of Credit
- Loans for Equipment and Improvements
- Farm Mortgages
- USDA Loans
Commercial Lending
Businesses, especially small businesses, are the backbone of any community. You give the community its identity and unique character. You are involved in the decisions that are made and the ideals that are supported. You create jobs and a stronger economy. You fashion one-of-a-kind and locally made products that attract others to our community and your services keep them coming back. We’re here to help! We offer a wide range of commercial loans for all of your business needs, including:
- Commercial Real Estate
- Investment Real Estate
- SBA Loans
- Operating Lines of Credit
- Letter of Credit
- And more